Diario de Desarrollo

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Registrado: 14 Abr 2010, 13:02
Ubicación: Dos Hermanas - Sevilla

Re: Diario de Desarrollo

Mensaje por PA_TJ17 »

Actualizado.. :-bd


Saludos. ^:)^

No es, el mejor, el que más alto vuele, sino el que más tarda en estrellarse....
Proverbio Trianero.
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Registrado: 06 Ene 2014, 01:11
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Re: Diario de Desarrollo

Mensaje por PA_Keko »

Dear Friends,

Summer is almost over and many team members are on their way back from vacation. During the year, the IL-2 team has grown at a record pace - 17 talented professionals have joined us. These programmers, artists, and other specialists have now finished their training, settled into the project, and are working full-time on all kinds of neat stuff, both announced and yet to be announced. You may know the only person who left due to family reasons - Kurt, our former Community Manager. (Fortunately, he is doing well and we wish him all the best). Please bear with us - even though it may seem like things are quiet from the outside, there is still a lot of work going on. Of course, all of the team members, old and new, are getting paid for more than just being really nice people.

Today we want to show you the screenshots of the new planes that were taken today - they are in beta testing right now.

The next two planes in Flying Circus Volume III are already in the air. Meet the legendary Nieuport 17...




Seguro que veremos cosas nuevas!!! 17 nuevos miembros del equipo segun lo que dicen, eso quiere decir que habran sorpresas!!! gracias a Dios, ya que esto parecia que estaba ya a punto de morir.

"Þat mælti mín móðir,
at mér skyldi kaupa
fley ok fagrar árar,
fara á brott með víkingum,
standa upp í stafni,
stýra dýrum knerri,
halda svá til hafnar,
höggva mann ok annan. "

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